Company Headquarters

The company is located in Salzgitter-Ringelheim. In addition, Schaper & Brümmer has business partners all over the world. Besides the domestic market in Germany, the products are available in over 40 countries.


Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co. KG
Bahnhofstraße 35
38259 Salzgitter / Germany

T  +49 53 41  3 07–0  
F  +49 53 41  3 07–1 24  
E   info(at)


Pharmaceuticals industry: non-prescription, naturally-based medication for sale in pharmacies.


Erich Schaper (22) and Albert Brümmer (25) founded the “Chemical Laboratory Schaper & Brümmer” in 1923.


Schaper & Brümmer is a medium-sized pharmaceutical company in family ownership. The roots of our success can be found in decades of know-how concerning natural materials and their processing into intensively researched, highly effective OTC medication.

Research and Development

At Schaper & Brümmer, we make substantial investments in medical research and development every year. The emphasis is on scientific optimisation and further development of existing compounds, as well as the advancement of knowledge of the plants used and their properties.


Germany: circa 140


Dr. Uwe Baumann


Nils Ole Wolcke


Executive Board

Dr. Cornelia Bodinet

Pharmaceutical Laboratories

Dr. Holger Gerke

Production & Manufacturing

Britta Mühlberg

Human Resources