The herbal medicinal products Remifemin plus, Remifemin und Remifemin mono Hormon-free and effective against menopausal complaints
Instead of hormone treatments, many women nowadays want something effective and hormone-free to counteract troubles arising from the menopause.
Remifemin plus Johanniskraut contains the highest daily dose of black cohosh (Latin: Cimicifuga racemosa), which combats the symptoms of the menopause. Additionally the tried and trusted St John's wort extract to alleviate psychic complaints. It is especially well-suited for the early stages of the menopause, and also for severe complaints.
Remifemin and Remifemin mono contain the standard dose of the black cohosh extract and are intended for use during the later course of menopause, or for less severe complaints.
Remifemin mono is suitable for women who prefer OAD (one a day) dose of their menopausal remedy.
The efficacy of the iCR-special extract (Cimicifuga racemosa) -in the Remifemin productline- in treating menopausal complaints and their safety regarding breast and uterine tissue has been proven many times.
product profile Remifemin plus Johanniskraut
- Active substance: dried extract of Black Cohosh Rhizome and St. John's Wort
- Recommended for the beginning stages of menopause, for more severe symptoms and pronounced psychic complaints
- No hormones and no risk for breast and uterine tissues
product profile Remifemin / Remifemin mono
- Active substance: dried extract of Black Cohosh Rhizome
- For less severe complaints and for already subsiding complaints
- Remifemin mono is recommended for women who want to take theier menopause remedy only once a day
- Efficacy and safety have been impressevely verified by many clinical studies
- No hormones and no risk for breast and uterine tissues
product profile Remifemin FeuchtCreme

- Moisturising creme for vaginal dryness, contains hamamelis water
- Moisturises and calms the irritated skin
- Free of hormones
- Contains neither colorants nor scents
- Medical device